Other Info
If you have any useful information you want to share with fellow Kendal Fellwalker's I will add it to this page.
If you have any useful information you want to share with fellow Kendal Fellwalker's I will add it to this page.
Delia Smith’s fruit cake recipe as used by John Lloyd and Elspeth Smithson
Delia Smith’s fruit cake recipe as used by John Lloyd and Elspeth Smithson
Alison Gilchrist's recipe - Butterscotch choc bars
Alison Gilchrist's recipe - Butterscotch choc bars
Charlotte Thompson has provided a recipe for the Brownies she so generously shared with people on the Ennerdale weekend
Charlotte Thompson has provided a recipe for the Brownies she so generously shared with people on the Ennerdale weekend
Fay Beasley's Dylan's chocolate Oat Bar recipe
Fay Beasley's Dylan's chocolate Oat Bar recipe